The launch of “Cesium for Unreal” brings together two disciplines that can benefit greatly from each other – “3D geospatial modelling” and “Game Engine visualisation”. With this new ecosystem that bridges 3D data in Cesium and the Unreal Game Engine, we are able to empower the rapid utilisation of massive 3D datasets.
Over the last few years, the advancement of 3D Photogrammetry has meant that more of our world can be captured and recorded digitally and while the geospatial and simulation industry has had tools and packages able to deal with the ever-growing size of this data, the real-time engines have lacked a mainstream solution that could leverage an open documented file format.
Cesium for Unreal changes that.
Cesium for Unreal lets us deal with our high fidelity, complex and extremely large datasets much more simply. The fact that data is streamable instead of needing to be pre-loaded and managed through local datasets has made the user workflow much easier. Entire cities can be added with 3 clicks to your project loading from a local location or from Cesium Ion hosted models.
We have utilised our AI methodologies, the above streaming capability, and computer-generated assets of Unreal to build more enhanced 3D models. Examples include the replacement of trees within the 3D mesh, the addition of real-world nuances such as window reflections, atmospheric lighting, volumetric clouds, realistic water background animations and dynamic scene lighting means the potential for creatives is unlimited.
Cesium for Unreal has enhanced and simplified our ability to build motion and interactivity into our 3D reality models. Ultra-realistic computer-generated assets of Unreal can interact with the static 3D model and the user, allowing interactive simulation building. These can include moving and drivable cars, opening doors & windows, pedestrian motion, flora and fauna, and many more.
Cesium for Unreal’s visualisation capabilities let us showcase what our clients can now achieve with our 3D models. Some of these use cases include:
Cesium for Unreal is the beginning of the next wave of development for 3D modelling and visualisation. It accelerates access to the current 3D models and will enable the next generation of interactivity and special effects and we are ready to fill your 3D needs for this new and exciting technology.
We are a preview partner for the Cesium for Unreal launch and have sponsored our 3D Denver Dataset onto the Cesium Ion Asset Depot for non-commercial use. You can download our sample data from the Unreal Engine website and then Create a Cesium Ion account to find out how your project can be accelerated by our first-class 3D data.
Matthew Walker, 3D Product Manager, Aerometrex